SEO has been a part of my life for more than 10 years now.   After initially getting into “how to optimize my real estate in 2004, I continued to monitor and learn from everyone from Moz to small and huge clients to my current set of clients who frankly need ideal SEO more than ever.

However, several basics have remained throughout all this time.

SEO Basic Tactics in 2018

1.   Building Website Authority

Basically, you need to everything you can to get as much “support” from other sites through links.   It can be anything from very easy (i.e., directory links that are relatively useful like Yelp) to very difficult (building relationships with other website owners or companies which require a ton of respect before they will dole out a link to you).

What are some sites that small businesses can get these links on besides Yelp?   Here are some ideas:

2. Building Useful Content

Frankly, why do people come to the web?   They are looking for something.   And many times than not, they are looking to find information on something to help them advance their needs.   Some of them are looking for entertainment.   Whatever it may be, figure it out and deliver it.

We have a couple pages that sometimes helps people like our Seattle Small Business Directory.   It not only helps other businesses find resources, it can also give you places to spread your business or even get these backlinks that we speak of in the aforementioned.

That’s where Domains Highway’s niche edit backlinks come into play, seamlessly integrating your website into relevant and authoritative content across the web. These strategic placements not only drive traffic to your site but also enhance its credibility and authority in the eyes of search engines. Whether you’re aiming to expand your reach or enhance your SEO strategy, our directory, coupled with Domains Highway’s expertise in backlinks, provides a powerful combination for small businesses looking to thrive in the digital landscape.

One of the biggest sources of traffic for our agency is a study I’ve done several times that exposes the top 100 search terms on the Internet.   The latest iteration that will be updated this year has elucidated what people are looking for on the Internet.   One of the original versions showed the exact terms people were looking for.   There are so may answers to many questions people have and that’s why it has generated so much traffic for us and has brought users to our website.

3. Providing Fresh Signals to Google that you’re an Active Brand

Google’s added several features to their GmB.   One of them is a posting feature.   And with it, you can show that you have something “recent” to share with the world.   As a result, you just checked off a box in the backend of google telling them you’re not dormant & you’re an active brand.

If you blog, you prove you are contributing (potentially) to the needs of society.

If you are updating your website, you prove you’re not resting on your laurels.   Good and modern brands do this all the time.

And lastly, it should have been placed partially in the authority tips, but it actually lies here, I believe, more because it is something that is constantly being updated: social media.

Facebook, Twitter (my God, if you’re not tweeting daily, you’re not showing you have a pulse), Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and even Quora or Reddit.   These all are signals which can point to your brand and PROVE to google that you’re an active brand.

Lastly, 2 final tips:

Get your site Secure (SSL, Https)


Always make it fast!

Oh, and one last one…it starts with a C, it ends with an O and it’s 3 letters…because it’s an acronym.   Nevertheless, the G to the O says now you must have websites that engage searchers through this 3 letter acronym.

Contact us for more info on this very important tactic.

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