Hint: it looks like this…

translate is the most searched thing

It’s taken 2+ years, but we’ve finally finished our analysis of the MOST sought after things on the Internet.

Our latest “2019’s Most Searched Keywords on Google” is out.   Check it out for the latest trends in what people are look for on the Internet!  

In this version of our study, we focused mainly on what people are asking us to tell them:

What is the most searched thing on the Internet?

Answer: “Translate”

For over 12 years, we’ve been examining the top keywords and for a good half of that (probably more), we’ve been analyzing and putting together the data presenting the most popular search keywords.  One of the reasons we decided to do the study is that we found (at that time) that for every permutation of the search of “what is the most searched thing on internet?” we found that there was less relevant content.   

We’ve been frustrated with the many lists out there that give false information.  We’ve posted about it before and while they are depending on another source for their data, they should be doing the auditing that we’ve been constantly doing.  It’s one of the reasons why it takes so long to get this study published.

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The latest post: Top 100 Google Searches April 2021

Without more rambling, here’s:

Part 1: The Most Searched Topics/Things on the Internet

2017 - top 100 searched things on the internet part 1

*And to elucidate a tad on the methodology even though we’ve done it a bit in the past, we not only aggregated  all the contemporary lists out there on the internet, but we audited the results and made sure we presented the current data as of March 27th, 2017.  These are the latest estimates that Google’s Keyword Planner  predicts is the monthly traffic for these terms.

Part II of the Most Searched Things on the Internet:

2017's top 100 things searched on the internet

**Do note, we took out the top brand names in this year’s study.  “Facebook” is still the most searched (or most used for navigation in browsers) word/phrase at over 3 billion searches a month.  However, it has fallen from its height in earlier years when it was close to 4 billion searches a month (or again, navigational search).

Additionally, we omitted letters out of the list as well since 25 of the 26 letters of the alphabet sans “z” showed up in the Top 103 searched phrases.  We believe they are also navigational searches since they correlate with the top brands like “Google” or “Facebook.” For example, the letter “f,” our most popular single character search is tied for #24th being punched in over 83 million times a month and most likely leading to Facebook.  “G” is the next popular phrase, tied for 33rd most popular.  Nevertheless, we focused on the “topics” or “things” that people are searching for and not brands.

Also, there were a total of 103 keywords/phrases due to many of the phrases being estimated at the same amount.

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